On the 5th of October 2023, the IEEE Student Branch (STB) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU organized an insightful event titled ‘Crypto, Careers, and Conquest by the esteemed speaker, Arsalan Sartaj. The event took place at the conference

hall and commenced at 1 PM. The session, conducted in offline mode, was skilfully anchored by Frazeen Fatima, who

ensured the smooth flow of discussions. The event primarily focused on Bitcoin, delving into its significance and the rationale behind investing in it. Furthermore, an engaging comparison between Ethereum and Bitcoin was presented, highlighting how Ethereum employs complex algorithms compared to Bitcoin. The session also elucidated the relationship between blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. A significant portion of the discussion centred on the various career opportunities.

Towards the conclusion, valuable advice on crafting an effective CV and optimizing one’s LinkedIn profile was generously shared. The session was highly interactive, with attendees posing numerous questions, further enhancing the depth and breadth of the discourse.

This event provided attendees with valuable insights into the world of cryptocurrency and its implications on careers. It was a commendable effort by the IEEE STB to facilitate such an enriching learning experience.