Submit Event

IEEE Day Events are happening all around the world.

  • Intended to engage local IEEE members and recruit potential IEEE members
  • Organized by the local organizational unit and happen on around IEEE Day
  • In person or virtual
  • Technical and/or social in nature
  • Reported through vTools and will be on the IEEE Day map

Have you planned your event and are ready to register it through vTools*? Go to Don’t forget to identify your event with #ieeeday so that it shows up in the IEEE Day map.

How to upload a vTools Events for the IEEE Day

For help in planning your IEEE Day event, visit the IEEE Day toolkit

*Any volunteer who appears in the Geographic Units section of the IEEE Corporate Roster can create events in vTools. Volunteers should use their IEEE Account username and password to login. IEEE Members and the general public can view meeting and event information, but will not be able to create events.