Photo Contest – First Prize Winner : $1,000 prize
IEEE Organizational Unit (OU) Name: IEEE La Trobe Student Branch
Title: Happy IEEE Day photo
IEEE La Trobe Student Branch (Melbourne, Australia) organised a Google talk on Reinforcement Learning. A Software Engineer who worked at Google California and Google Sydney came to Melbourne in order to deliver the talk to our student branch. We had 450 people registered and 165 on the waitlist. The event was a major success and the feedback from attendees was great! After the event, some people (mainly IEEE members) remained in the venue and we took a “Happy IEEE Day” photo showing IEEE Day logos and Google logos.
Photo Contest – Second Prize Winner: $750 prize
IEEE Organizational Unit (OU) Name: Cefet/Rj-Centro Federal De Educ Tec Csf
Title: Happy people make a happy Student Branch! Let’s celebrate IEEE Day!
Internal celebration of IEEE Day with our student branch members. There was a general meeting with food, drinks and distribution of gifts, we also discussed various important matters related to our Student Branch.
Photo Contest – Third Prize Winner: $500 prize
IEEE Organizational Unit (OU) Name: IEEE Cimatec/Bahia Section/Region 9
Title: I3E-D2’s Selfie!
He insisted for a selfie, we could not refuse… =P