IEEE Day Scavenger Hunt
See if you can find the answers to each of these questions!
- What is the mission and vision of IEEE?
- When does the IEEE Foundation’s Realize the Full Potential of IEEE Campaign plan to meet its US$30 Million Campaign goal?
- How many local Sections does IEEE have?
- What is the latest new IEEE Future Directions technology initiative and what is it about?
- How many documents are found in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library?
- How many IEEE conferences are available to attend throughout the year?
- Which IEEE Collabratec community has the largest number of participants?
- IEEE Membership Forum
- Artificial Intelligence
- IEEE Author Lab
- IEEE Collabratec Users Forum
- How many active standards are available through the IEEE Standards Association?
- How many Technical Societies and Councils are available to join based on your technical interests?
- How many course providers offer materials through the IEEE Learning Library?