
IEEE Day 2020 Messages 


“Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.”
It is my pleasure to give a warm greeting to all IEEE members and volunteers around the world and wish everyone a happy IEEE Day 2020. IEEE Day 2020 marks the 11th annual IEEE Day with the theme “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow,” with IEEE members working hard to advance technology in communications, computing, aerospace, artificial intelligence, power and so on. The IEEE Future Directions Committee also facilitates the development of new technology in Blockchain, Digital reality, Future networks, Quantum, Rebooting Computing, and Brain Initiatives.
Technology only has true impact when it is used:
– Many groups within IEEE often together with partners – are working in communities to deploy ‘technology for a better today and tomorrow’: for example, the SMART Village program bringing power to less developed communities around the globe.
– IEEE SIGHT groups and the Humanitarian Activities Committee deploy projects that support communities with various technology solutions
– Electric Vehicles, Medical Devices, the Internet are all examples of “technology for a better tomorrow” with growing impact as the technologies become more and more widely deployed.
– IEEE members and volunteers contribute greatly to developing standards that allow us to build highly interoperable systems and systems of systems; allowing us to build SMART CONNECTED COMMUNITIES in a global context. Consider the IEEE 802.11 standard – it has been adopted so widely; it enables WIFI to work in just about every jurisdiction around the world.
– Last, not least, let us not forget knowledge sharing, training, and education, and, of course, connected people – other great strengths of IEEE.
On this IEEE Day, the whole world will celebrate together. Here in Region 7/ IEEE Canada, we will have a series of events organized with WIE, YP, Student branches, Life Members, Chapters, Sections and Societies. IEEE Day will provide our members with a platform to share their knowledge, success, enthusiasm, and passion for the profession.
2020 also marks a year of high importance for IEEE Region 7, which is the 25th Anniversary of IEEE Canada. We will celebrate this occasion on IEEE Day and invite members across the globe to join us for this celebration. Due to COVID-19, the event will be virtual. Speakers from different fields and disciplines will be invited to share the IEEE Canada history and technology.
I would like to thank all the IEEE members and volunteers and our greater IEEE community for their effort to strengthen modern technology for a better tomorrow and brighter future.

Jason J. GU
Region 7 Director / IEEE Canada President 2020-2021


IEEE Day celebrates the first time in history when IEEE members and engineers worldwide gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.

Our current GLOBAL IEEE celebrations demonstrate the ways thousands of members in local communities collaborate, communicate, and create the future of IEEE TOGETHER!

Region 2 has undertaken a challenge to share how our leaders, affinity groups, sections, societies, chapters, students and the communities we serve are “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow” in support of VIRTUAL IEEE Day on Tuesday, 06 October, 2020.

• How are global product and service innovations benefiting your communities?
• What IEEE governance, policy, strategy, standards, technology, education, and programs are “crushing it” in your local areas of Region 2?
• What unique ways are your teams Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow?
• What are the policy challenges that you are hearing locally?

IEEE’s motto is “While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE focuses on what’s next!”

• Share with us your vision for IEEE for 2030, 2040, 2050, and beyond!
• How are you “Following Your Dreams” with IEEE?

Join Region 2 on Facebook, Twitter and share your IEEE Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow story, vision, and perspective!

#ieeeday2020 #wie #yp #lifemembers #ieeer2sections #ieeer2societiesandchapters #ieeer2conferences #ieeer2studentbranches #joinusasanR2membernow!

Wolfram Bettermann

IEEE R2 Director

“IEEE Day” is a very important event at IEEE. It was started eleven years ago to commemorate IEEE’s (at the time, AIEE’s) first technical meeting held nearly 150 years ago at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on October 7/8 in 1884. To mark this historic event, the anniversary is now celebrated each year on the first Tuesday in October.
For that reason, as IEEE Region-10 Director, it is my great pleasure to extend best wishes to all members for a Happy IEEE Day.
The theme of the IEEE Day is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.” As IEEE members, we benefit from existing technology, services, and activities, but at the same time as professionals, we should also contribute to leverage technology with an eye to the future.
In the present difficult situation caused by COVID-19, we cannot hold face-to-face gatherings, but our technology enables us to communicate online. Online events are basically borderless, and we may have interesting online presentations and discussions, different from previous IEEE Day celebrations. Once again, Happy IEEE Day!

Akinori Nishihara,
IEEE R10 Director[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]