BlendEd: Learning Beyond Boundaries with IEEE
“BlendEd: Learning Beyond Boundaries with IEEE”, an insightful virtual session hosted by the IEEE Student Branch ASIET as part of IEEE Day celebrations 2024, was held on 29th September 2024. The event was designed to introduce students to IEEE and its Blended Learning Program initiative, focusing on the courses offered through BLP and their impact.
The session was led by Mr Pramod Kumar P, Senior Manager of Education at IEEE, who shared his expertise on the benefits of blended learning and the various educational opportunities available through IEEE. During the session, he provided a comprehensive overview of IEEE’s Blended Learning Program. He discussed the relevance of blended learning in today’s fast-paced world, offering participants valuable insights into IEEE’s wide range of learning resources and opportunities for continuous professional development. The speaker also emphasized how IEEE’s education platforms are tailored to meet the needs of students and professionals in the technology field.
The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session where participants raised queries about IEEE’s educational offerings and how they could leverage them for their academic and professional growth. Mr Pramod addressed each question, leaving the attendees with a clear understanding of the benefits of blended learning and the resources available through IEEE. The session was a successful part of IEEE SB ASIET’s ongoing efforts to provide its members with valuable learning experiences beyond traditional classroom boundaries.