Xtremeprep: Preparing Students for IEEEXtreme 18.0

Title: Xtremeprep: Preparing for IEEEXtreme 18.0

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, LBS College of Engineering (LBSCEK) in collaboration with IEEE LINK
Guest Speaker: Mr. Muhammed Saood Chaudhary, IEEE Region 10 Co-lead, IEEEXtreme 18.0
Date: October 3, 2024
Mode: Online
Time: 7:00 PM


On October 3, 2024, the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of LBS College of Engineering (LBSCEK), in collaboration with IEEE LINK, hosted an online session titled “Xtremeprep.” The session was designed to help students prepare for the prestigious IEEEXtreme 18.0 programming competition. Mr. Muhammed Saood Chaudhary, IEEE Region 10 Co-lead for IEEEXtreme 18.0, led the session.

The event began with an overview of the IEEEXtreme competition, where Mr. Chaudhary explained its structure, the nature of the problems, and the 24-hour challenge format that requires teams of IEEE student members to solve complex programming problems within a limited time frame.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration, problem-solving, and time management. Mr. Chaudhary also discussed critical topics for competitive programming success, such as algorithm design, data structures, dynamic programming, graph theory, and mathematical logic. To make the session more interactive, he demonstrated sample problems from previous IEEEXtreme editions, providing solutions and strategies for tackling them.

The session further engaged participants in discussions, offering valuable tips on time management, problem selection, and teamwork. Mr. Chaudhary recommended useful resources and online coding platforms for practice, encouraging students to explore them before the competition.

In conclusion, the Xtremeprep session provided crucial insights into the IEEEXtreme competition, offering practical advice and resources that will help students feel more confident and better prepared for the upcoming challenge.