Build yourself
G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology (GPCET) in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, is hosting the “Build Yourself” competition on 10-10-2024. This insightful and motivational event is organized in association with various IEEE societies and invites participants to register for a nominal fee, promising attractive prizes. GPCET, an autonomous institution with NAAC accreditation, emphasizes the significance of this competition, supported by the IEEE Antennas and Wave Propagation Society (APS), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), IEEE Power and Energy Society, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Sensors Society, IEEE Women in Engineering Society, IEEE Communication Society, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), IEEE Education Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and IEEE Software Engineering Society.