CornCon Kids’ Hacker Camp & STEM Festival

2023 CornCon 9 – CORNNET: The Rise of AI

CornCon is a Cybersecurity Conference held annually in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Chapter and other regional societies and groups. This event is held adjacent to the main conference and it is intended for students in K-12 grades.

This year the Children of The CornCon: Kids’ Hacker Camp and STEM Festival is held on Saturday, October 7.

IEEE Members receive 25% discount with code: IEEE25

The Children of The CornCon, Kids’ Hacker Camp, Saturday, October 7, 2023
  • $35 first K-12 student / $15 additional K-12 students
  • Includes Electronic Badge & T-Shirt
  • Lockpicking, Electronics, Cryptography, Build a Computer, Biohacking, More!
  • Hacker Jeopardy for Kids • Contests • Games • Prizes • Lunch/Beverages
  • H.S. “Intro to Cybersecurity” on Friday, Oct 6, 2023 (invite only for 150 HS students)
  • Scholarships available!

Email with questions or to request a scholarship.