General Student Branch Offline Meeting
Meeting Agenda:
Feedback about the IEEE Day 2024 Celebrations event.
Discussion on the Hackathon being planned in November.
Update on Sensor council SBC elections.
Meeting Minutes:
[16:12]: Anirudh Kotla started the meeting by sharing his feedback and gathering feedback from SB members about the IEEE Day event. Anirudh Kotla shared his feedback that coordination between the volunteers didn’t go well. Indira Prema Divanugraha Idumalla shared her feedback that execution was not proper and volunteers were in groups. Also there was the problem from college management about a change in event details at the last minute.
[16:17]: Syed Azeem Sadiq suggested to stick to the assigned tasks. Soha Ali Khan gave her feedback that people didn’t know the details of the registration link that ended at midnight. Afrah Ahad gave her feedback that proper awareness was not there about the event.
[16:20]: Anil suggested that having volunteers guide participants from outside the seminar hall was not an effective idea.
[16:22]: Sai Madhav gave his feedback that volunteers were not present at the assigned task. Suggested the volunteers to not give feedback in between the event and also suggested it will be better to do publicity through the hyderabad section for future events. Devansh Bohra shared his feedback that we need to start the publicity of the event 4 weeks before the event for the students outside of the college.
[16:24]: Ruchika noted that many registered students did not attend, and some volunteers were taking photos when they were not being assigned to photography duties. Pallavi shared her feedback that the coordination between volunteers was missing and at the time of registration for the seminar the registration list was not organized according to the years so it made the task difficult while cross checking the names. Syed Nooruddin Hussaini Suggested to have a good publicity about the event so students will have idea about it.
[16:27]: Gajjala Damik Reddy reported that faculty members prevented registered students from participating in the crossword event. Mahir shared his feedback that we cant handle all the students during the talk and many students enjoyed the talk and also suggested having a proper structure so that the work can be divided. Firzan shared his feedback that the publicity messages were not upto the mark and students didn’t know the deadline for the registration link. Suggested to finalize all the works a week before the event. Shaik Muhammed Muzakir shared his feedback that overall the event was good.
[16:42]: The chair shared his feedback that volunteers need to stick to their task and suggested keeping one person who will coordinate with all the teams. He also committed to prepare a timeline for future events to facilitate better groundwork. Muzakir suggested making sure there are no malpractices in the future crossword puzzle challenges and also suggested making a timeline draft for the emergency events and Firzan also suggested having backup plans for the events.
[16:53]: The chair suggested the SB members communicate and get back if they are not up for taking the assigned tasks during the event.
[16:55]: Anirudh started to brief about the hackathon plan to the SB members. Chair suggested that he will go through the draft plan of the hackathon and keep an online meet regarding it soon.[17:04]: Rajinikanth sir shared his feedback that they expected more participants in the
event. He advised finalizing all event-related work three days in advance and recommended that SB members plan two events for November. Dr. Sravan kumar Sir suggested the SB members to think of a way to keep the students attentive in the seminar.
[17:13]: The chair gave a brief about the RIG and suggested the members do the research work under it and also suggested doing activities for the SB members. The Chair suggested keeping the open house discussion and assigned the task of structure and timeline for it to Anirudh Kotla. Firzan suggested making a small video about IEEE for awareness in the college. The Chair suggested having IEEE awareness sessions for every two months so that students will get an idea that IEEE is a place for the networking platform.
[17:25]: The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Outcome:
- Took the feedbacks from all the SB Members, the counselor and Dr. Sravan Kumar (Additional IEEE Faculty Coordinator appoint by MCET).
- SB members got a brief outline of the hackathon being planned in the month of November.