IEEE Day 2024 at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, West Tambaram, was a remarkable celebration of technology and innovation, featuring seven exciting events that engaged participants.

Key Organizers

  • Principal: Dr. J. Raja
  • Student Branch Counsellor: Dr. Brindha Sve
  • Student Branch Chairperson: Mr. Rampavithran RP
  • IEEE Day Campus Ambassador: Ms. Nasreen Begam Z


EVENT NAME : Turbo Track


This RC Car Competition had three rounds, testing design and performance. Round 0 was an online session on design principles. In Round 1, 15 teams presented their prototypes. The top 10 teams advanced to Round 2, where their cars raced on a custom track, judged on speed, maneuverability, and endurance.

  • Teams Presented: 8
  • Participants: 24


EVENT NAME : Cipher Chase


Held on October 7, 2024, this two-round technical competition tested logical reasoning and coding skills under pressure.

  • Teams Presented: 25
  • Participants: 50




This two-round event focused on IPL auction strategies and IEEE topics. Teams answered a quiz in Round 1 and engaged in competitive bidding for IEEE Society roles in Round 2, emphasizing teamwork and strategic management.

  • Teams Presented: 50
  • Participants: 50




This robotics competition involved two rounds: a quiz on robotics and sensors in Round 1, followed by live prototype presentations in Round 2, fostering innovation and practical skills.

  • Teams Presented: 14
  • Participants: 42

Botify Business 

 Participants used generative AI to create promotional content based on fun business scenarios. The second round, led by Vishali R and Vasanth, challenged teams to build responsive AI chatbots. The top 3 teams stood out for their inventive designs.





Multidisciplinary teams tackled creative problem statements, developing innovative solutions and presenting them through posters. Adding a twist, teams also engaged in a bottle-flipping challenge to earn advantages.


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  • This cybersecurity competition had seven levels, testing participants’ skills in cryptography, reverse engineering, and network forensics, with hints provided to guide teams through the challenges.