IEEE Day 2024 Celebrations at HITAM Student Branch


As part of the IEEE Day 2024 celebrations, the student members of all the technical societies and councils under the IEEE HITAM Student Branch—namely, the Sensor Council, Communication Society, and Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)—came together to showcase the innovative projects they had developed. These projects, undertaken as part of the IEEE Student Branch, highlighted the students’ technical skills and creativity.

The Robotics and Automation Society members demonstrated various robotics-related projects, including a robotic arm and robots built using LEGO parts, which drew much attention for their functionality and design. Meanwhile, the Sensor Council and Communication Society students presented their work on a smart electric bike designed for both able-bodied individuals and those with disabilities. Additionally, they showcased an interactive smart mirror connected to the college’s website, allowing users to access real-time information about events and activities happening on campus.

One of the standout exhibits was the railway defect detection system, which utilized sensors such as infrared and ultrasonic sensors to detect cracks and gaps in rails. This project, along with others, was presented to expert faculty and students across the college, sparking curiosity and interest, particularly among non-members. These demonstrations not only provided a platform for knowledge exchange but also encouraged more students to engage with IEEE, further enriching the technical community within the college.