IEEE Day’ 23

On October 3, 2023, the IEEE Student Branch of ABVIIITM Gwalior hosted a vibrant and insightful IEEE Day celebration. The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries from Heartfulness, faculty members of the IEEE Student Branch, and the Chairman of the IEEE Madhya Pradesh Section, Prof. GS Tomar, who, unfortunately, could not attend.

The event commenced with an enlightening speech on Heartfulness delivered by Vinod R. Sathe, who also conducted a meditation session that left attendees with a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Following the spiritually uplifting session, the much-anticipated prize distribution ceremony took place to acknowledge the winners of various competitions organized in honor of IEEE Day. These competitions included painting, photography, and web design. However, it is regrettable that the prizes for web design could not be distributed as the submitted websites were found to be incomplete.

Despite this setback, the spirit of the IEEE community remained high, and participants appreciated the recognition of their talents in the other categories. The winners were awarded with certificates and tokens of appreciation for their outstanding contributions.

The evening was wrapped up with a delightful high tea, providing attendees with an opportunity to network, socialize, and exchange ideas. The event was a tremendous success, fostering a sense of community among IEEE members, students, and guests alike.