IEEE Day Celebration 2023 by invited talk on “Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (HFCV): Revolution in Transportation”
Objective of Program:
- To provide a comprehensive understanding of hydrogen fuel cell technology and its application in the transportation sector.
- To showcase the latest technological advancements and innovations in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
- To emphasize the environmental advantages of HFCVs
- To address the challenges and progress in developing a hydrogen refueling infrastructure
- To provide a balanced view by comparing HFCVs with other alternative transportation technologies like electric vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines(ICE)
Profile of Resource person:
Name: Dr. S M Hussaini
Designation: Director
Organization: NSAKCET & Plastech Engineering, Hyderabad
Details of Program:
IEEE Kalinga University Student Branch in association with IEEE Women in Engineering, Madhya Pradesh section on the eve of IEEE day organized an invited talk entitled ” Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (HFCV): Revolution in Transportation” on 09th October 2023 in online (ZOOM) mode. The webinar was hosted by Mr. Anup Kumar Jana, IQAC Coordinator, Kalinga University. First of all, the event host welcomed and briefed the profile of the resource person Dr. Dr. S M Hussaini, Director, NSAKCET & Plastech Engineering, Hyderabad. Dr. Hussaini started his talk with two category of vehicles globally used like ICE Vehicles (using Petrol as fuel) and E-Vehicles (using batteries as fuel supplier). The webinar projected the pros and cons of both category of vehicles. The major points discussed were
- The harmful gases generated by the ICE operated Vehicles
- How EV’s gradually replacing ICE Vehicles
- Pollution free running of EV vehicle
Dr. Hussaini also explained how hydrogen fuel cell technology works and its environmental benefits, also presented the latest advancements in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including efficiency, range, and performance improvements as follows.
- Inauguration of Hydrogen fueled busses in Delhi on 25th September 2023 modelled by Toyota Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle technology.
- Usage of hydrogen as fuel in GSLV-III (Light weight of the hydrogen is helpful in using it as fuel in space applications)
- Launch of national green hydrogen mission policy (NGHMP)
The webinar concluded with an engaging Q&A session where participants had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications from the resource person. The host thank the participants and speakers, provide contact information for further inquiries,
Program Outcome:
- Attendees got a deeper understanding of hydrogen fuel cell technology, its advantages, and its role in the transportation sector.
- Attendees got awareness about the potential of HFCVs and their benefits for the environment and the economy.
- Attendees were motivated to take action, such as exploring HFCVs as an option for their transportation needs, advocating for HFCVs, or investing in related initiatives.