IEEE Day celebration

The IEEE Student Branch of Basaveshwar Engineering College (BEC-IEEE, STB35261) joyfully commenced the IEEE Day celebrations with an engaging cake-cutting ceremony and an informative awareness program. The event aimed to foster community spirit and spread awareness about the significance of IEEE Day among students and faculty members.

Event Highlights:

  1. Welcome and Introduction of Guests: The event began with a warm welcome and a brief introduction of the esteemed guests Dr. K Chandrashekar, CoE Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkote.

  2. Address by Branch Counselor: Dr. Vijaylakshmi Jigajinni, the Branch Counselor, delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the role of IEEE in shaping the professional and academic careers of students. She encouraged active participation in IEEE activities and highlighted the importance of technology and innovation in driving change.

  3. Cake-Cutting Ceremony: The formal proceedings were followed by a lively cake-cutting ceremony. This moment marked the official commencement of the IEEE Day celebrations and symbolized the unity and shared vision of the IEEE community.

  4. Address by IEEE Day Ambassadors: IEEE Day Ambassadors, Omkar Sanjeev and Vishwas Hittalamani, took the stage to share their insights and experiences. They spoke about the global significance of IEEE Day and how it brings together members from across the world to celebrate the achievements of engineers and technologists.

  5. Awareness Session on IEEE Day: The ambassadors also conducted an awareness session, providing an overview of the history and purpose of IEEE Day. They explained that IEEE Day commemorates the first time engineers worldwide gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884, and it continues to be celebrated as a day to recognize and promote the contributions of IEEE members towards advancing technology for humanity.

The event concluded on a high note, leaving the participants more informed and motivated to contribute actively to IEEE initiatives. The celebration successfully brought together the IEEE community at BEC and fostered a deeper understanding of IEEE’s vision and mission.