IEEE Day celebration at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam
Tandojam (Press Release): The Vice Chancellor of Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) Tandojam, Dr. Fateh Marri, highlighted the vast opportunities for higher education, employment, and immigration available globally during a IEEE day celebration. The event was organized by the university’s Information Technology Center under the collaboration with the IEEE Student branch to mark IEEE Day, on Tuesday.
Dr. Umair Ahmed Korai, Chair, IEEE Karachi Chapter ComSoc highlighted about the importance of IEEE student and professional membership. Other speakers at the event included Director ITC Dr. Mir Sajjad Talpur, Dr. Mubeena Pathan, Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Koondhar, and Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Mahar. To commemorate IEEE Day, a cake-cutting ceremony was held, and students were awarded with T-Shirt, Cap and wall-clock as a Souveniour on IEEE Day. Google training certificates.
Additionally, Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Koondhar, Advisor IEEE student Branch announced about 50% discount on IEEE student membership.