IEEE Day Celebration at SJIT

IEEE celebrates the first time in history when engineers worldwide gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884 as IEEE Day. While it is celebrated on the 1st Tuesday of Oct every year, institutions observe the IEEE Day on a convenient day in the month of Oct depending on the local consideration.

One of the IEEE Day’s objectives is to show the ways IEEE members, in local communities, join together to collaborate on ideas that leverage technology for a better tomorrow.

The Computer Science & Engineering Dept of St. Joseph Inst of Tech (SJIT), Chennai in association with IEEE & IEEE Computer Society Madras celebrated the 15th IEEE Day with a two day workshop on Idea Generation & Project Expo.

Mr HR Mohan, IEEE Ambassador, Chair – Events & Imm Past Chair, IEEE Computer Society Madras inaugurated the workshop on 9th Oct 2024. In his inaugural address, Mr Mohan said that in the VUCA world, innovation is the key to survive and grow. To innovate, Knowledge and collaboration & networking is essential and IEEE, through it’s global presence provides an ecosystem for the same. He highlighted how students can be benefitted from the various initiatives of IEEE providing opportunities to engage in implementing technical projects for the benefit of humanity. He urged the student participants to join both IEEE & IEEE CS availing the special offer — free membership in IEEE CS, (available upto 12th Oct) & extended membership period (upto Dec 2025)

Dr Arivazhagan, Principal, SJIT, in his presidential address emphasized the role of IEEE and added that SJIT is keen in making it’s students innovators through workshop, knowledge sharing & hands-on sessions.

The workshop attendees were of 1st & 2nd year CSE students and have submitted around 45 projects to demonstrate on the 2nd day of the workshop.

This event — workshop & project expo is coordinated by Dr Dafni Rose, HoD/CSE, SJIT and the IEEE CS Chapter Advisor with a dedicated team of IEEE /IEEE CS volunteers. Dr Sreekumar, Dean, SJIT graced the occasion.