IEEE Day Celebrations-2023

IEEE Day, 2023 – SR University

The IEEE Day event organized by the IEEE Student Branch of SR University on October 7th, 2023, was a vibrant and informative affair aimed at celebrating the spirit of IEEE while providing valuable orientation for new students. The event was meticulously designed to cater to the diverse interests of attendees, offering enlightening talks, interactive sessions, and entertainment throughout the day.

The event commenced at 10:00 AM with an electrifying ambience charged with eager anticipation. Distinguished speakers, including Dr. Koneru Venkkat Sridhar, Dr. Syed Musthak Ahmed, and Mr Chakradhar, graced the stage, evoking warm applause from the audience. The ceremonial lamp-lighting ceremony symbolized the dispelling of darkness and the ushering in knowledge and enlightenment.

Mr. Chakradhar, the Student Branch Counselor, shared his profound insights and experiences within IEEE, emphasizing dedication and perseverance as keys to success. Dr. Koneru Venkkat Sridhar delivered an enthralling tech talk, shedding light on emerging technology trends and their potential impact.

Interactive ice-breaking sessions and networking opportunities fostered camaraderie and unity among attendees, encouraging meaningful connections and knowledge sharing. Dr Syed Mustak Ahmed highlighted the importance of equipping students with 21st-century skills for success in their academic and professional endeavours.

The event also featured inspiring narratives, such as Mr Umar Farooq’s journey from a student member to Treasurer of the YP IEEE HYD Section, and the promotion of the upcoming IEEE Xtreme 17.0 competition by Mr Mohammad Ali Shaik.

The formal session concluded with expressions of gratitude towards speakers, attendees, and contributors, followed by a well-deserved lunch break. The afternoon was filled with entertaining activities, including games and a live performance by the “Reverie Band,” enhancing the atmosphere of celebration and togetherness.

The event culminated with a heartfelt gratitude towards all participants and a cake-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the celebration of IEEE’s spirit. The dedication of organizers, advisors, and committee members was acknowledged, marking a fitting end to an inspiring and memorable day of learning, networking, and celebration.