IEEE Day sessions
IEEE ESPRIT SB and IEEE SUPCOM SB jointly organized a two-day virtual event on October 12th and 13th, 2023, starting at 9 PM, in celebration of IEEE Day. The event aimed to introduce new members to the IEEE community and foster connections between the two Student Branches.
On the first day, there were two sessions:
1. The initial session featured Mr. Ala Chalghaf, who discussed the advantages of IEEE membership, highlighting various benefits.
2. In the second session, Ms. Baya Bouchaala was the guest speaker, sharing insights into the benefits of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) with the participants.
The second day of the event hosted a panel discussion focused on the IEEE experience. Mr. Ala Chalghaf, Ms. Imen Mahdi, and Mr. Amir Baroudi graciously shared their entire journey within the IEEE community, from their beginnings as members to their current roles as IEEE Section or global volunteers.