IEEE GalvestonBay Section IEEE-Day event
THEME: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow
IEEE Day commemorates the anniversary of the first time when IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas, which took place in 1884. Worldwide celebrations demonstrate the ways thousands of IEEE members in local communities join together to collaborate on ideas that leverage technology for a better tomorrow.
IEEE Region 5 Galveston Bay IEEE -DAY ACTIVITIES
Saturday October 5th, 2024
Tuesday, October I is designated as IEEE-DAY 2024 and various sections and OUs are organizing outreach events both for their members as well as for the public at large from September 29th through Oct 12th. This also includes honoring their members with 40+ memberships with IEEE and awarding them with their respective IEEE pins and/or gifts
Our R5 History committee with the support of the Galveston Bay Section and its OUs is planning a luncheon meeting on Saturday, October 5th for members to participate in the event.
All members with 40 and 40+ years are invited to join the luncheon event. All guests are treated complimentary luncheon.
Members will participate in their experience of the IEEE membership and achievements.