IEEEXTREME 18.0 Infosession
Hosts :
Makki Aloulou , IEEE Insat SB Ambassador
Hela Ben Chikha , IEEE ISI SB Ambassador
Discussion Summary :
IEEEXtreme is an international programming competition organized by IEEE, open to all undergraduate and graduate students with active IEEE student membership. The event spans 24 hours, bringing together thousands of students from over 75 countries to tackle programming challenges.
Competition Format:
The competition lasts for 24 hours and supports over 25 programming languages.
Teams receive new challenges at regular intervals, with scoring based on the correctness and difficulty of problems solved
Each team must have a proctor who is an IEEE professional member to supervise during the competition
Impact and Benefits:
Participants gain valuable networking opportunities within the global programming community, enhance their coding skills, and earn an unforgettable experience.
The competition offers various prizes, including travel to IEEE conferences for top teams and cash awards for other high-ranking teams
Important Dates:
Registration Deadline: October 11, 2024 (IEEE ISI SB members), October 10, 2024 (IEEE INSAT SB members)
Competition Date: October 25, 2024