The “Introduction to SIGHT” marked the very first Step of the SIGHT Group – IEEE INSAT SB, and it was open to anyone interested, with a special focus on welcoming our members. This event was particularly significant as the group was newly launched this year, making it unfamiliar to many.
We began by with an overview of IEEE, highlighting the achievements,
events, and awards of the IEEE INSAT Student Branch.
Next, we shared the background of the SIGHT Group,
outlining its origins and the motivations behind its creation. Then we elaborated on the nature of the SIGHT Group, its core mission, and its focus areas, emphasizing the potential for our future group to make a meaningful impact on both society and our future members, inspiring them to contribute to global change.
We also outlined our technical agenda for this mandate, highlighting key upcoming events. Following this, we returned to address questions about funding opportunities available to SIGHT Groups, a common concern for many attendees.
Then we gave insights into national and international events and competitions, such as the TSYP, SDC (IEEE SIGHT Day Congress), R8 Humanitarian Activities Congress, and the R8 Humanitarian Activities Hackathon.

To motivate and inspire our members, we showcased successful projects from other SIGHT Groups, highlighting the impact they’ve had on their communities.
We concluded the assembly by thanking attendees for their participation, officially welcoming our new members, and opening the floor for a Q&A session.

This allowed us to clarify plans, upcoming events, and other specifics, providing clear answers to insightful questions.

Overall, this event was a valuable opportunity to introduce the SIGHT Group to a wider audience, build familiarity with our members, and clearly communicate our goals and work plan for the future.