Meme-Fest Contest
Our IEEE Student Branch STB30721 – V.P. Dr PG Hallakatti College of Eng & Tech is Celebrating IEEE Week form Oct 1 to Oct 5, by organizing 4 events. one of the four events is Meme-Fest Contest which will be held on the day-4 of IEEE Week, on October 5. It is a fun-filled meme contest where participants create tech-related memes based on the themes like Engineering Life, Online Classes, and Group Project Havocs.
The Judging Criteria is based upon the Creativity, Relatability to the topic, Humor, Presentation, and Visual Appeal.
Exciting Prizes will be provided for the winners and participants as for Winning Team: ₹1200/~ and certificates, Runner-Up Team: ₹600/~ and certificates and E-certificates for all participants will be provided.
The Registration Fees: ₹25 for IEEE members, ₹70 for non-IEEE members is kept.
The student Coordinators are: Keerti C Deshpande, Om Sugandi.
The faculty coordinators are : Prof. Pradeep Deshpande.
The event was conducted under the guidance of branch Counseller prof. Sunanda Alur, Senior IEEE member Dr. Veeresh Gonal , and principal Dr.V.G. Sangam.