NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL IEEE DAY- 2023 Invited talk on “Overview Of Transmission And General Safety Measures”
IEEE DAY was celebrated on 3rd October 2023 in RYMEC Ballari, IEEE SB RYMEC Branch organized this event with an invited talk on “Overview of transmission and General Safety Measures” by the resource person Mr. Kutubudeen Basha, Executive Engineer, 400KV – BPS, Kudatini, Ballari.
In this talk resource person covered the topics on Power generation, Transmission distribution and Electrical safety measures in brief to the students. Management G.B. member Sri. Korlagundi Basavanagoud, Dr. T. Hanumantha Reddy Principal RYMEC, Dr. Savitha Sonoli Vice Principal, HOD ECE, IEEE Chair RYMEC, Dr.S. Kotresh HOD EEE, Dr. Algur Veerabhadrappa, IEEE members, student members, IEEE office bearers, Faculties and 165 students were participated in the program.