On Eve of IEEE Day – IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on “Digital Crimes-Strategies”

On Eve of IEEE Day – IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on “Digital Crimes-Strategies” on 6th October, 2023 from 6.15 PM to 8.15PM online mode

In the age pf total dependency of Technology, user has become slave of technology rather the master. Security is provided by every agency, is relatively sufficient, how ever unless awareness of the technique is shared properly even the security technology may not be sufficient. This session will be delivering the information related to  Cyber Crimes, latest trends, Law, Investigation, Security and Forensics for students as well as professionals.

Speaker:  Mr. Ramamohan Ukkalam 
                Superintendent of police -AP.

Time: 6.15 PM to 8.15 PM