Poster Making and Presentation Competition

The Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of IEEE Student Branch, AMU in collaboration with the Fine Arts Club of AMU organized a Poster Making and Presentation Competition on the 9th and 10th of October, 2023 respectively. The competition was an exciting part to mark the end of the IEEE Week celebration, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and social cause.

The poster-making competition took place on the 9th of October, 2023 at the Fine Arts Club, AMU. The event was attended by students, faculty, and distinguished guests. Rehma Manaal Rizvi, Chairperson of WIE-AG, IEEE Student Branch AMU, and Bushra Naaz, Secretary of the Fine Arts Club AMU, delivered inspiring speeches emphasizing the importance of combining art and technology. Students were given the opportunity to create visually appealing posters on the following themes:

  1. Climate Change and its Impact
  2. Women Empowerment
  3. Advancement of Technology for a Better Future

The event was open to all the bona fide students of AMU. Over 20 participants from various departments, including Engineering, Computer Science, Fine Arts, and more, participated enthusiastically. Their diverse backgrounds added to the event’s vibrancy. A distinguished panel of judges with expertise in both art and technology evaluated the entries. Their combined knowledge ensured a comprehensive assessment. The event venue was adorned with the impressive posters created by the participants. These visually striking displays captured the essence of the competition.

Following this, the top 5 entries were selected for the presentation competition which took place on 10th October, 2023 at the Conference Room, Department of Electrical Engineering. The participants explained the importance of their poster and what motivated them to design it. They were judged on the basis of creativity, relevance to the theme, and presentation skills. The winners were felicitated with cash prizes and certificates.

The IEEE Week Poster Making and Presentation Competition was a testament to the synergy between art and technology. It provided a platform for students to express their creativity, innovation, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. The event’s success was a reflection of the dedication and hard work put in by the organizers, participants, and the judging panel. Overall, the event was highly appreciated by everyone.