Python for remote sensing images
Python is widely used for remote sensing image processing for several key reasons, namely
· Powerful Libraries and Tools
· Large Data Handling
· Interoperability
· Open-Source and Extensibility
· Visualization and Plotting
In short, Python is needed for remote sensing images because it provides the flexibility, efficiency, and tools necessary to process, analyze, and extract meaningful information from large geospatial datasets.
Workshop Report
A one-day workshop on “Python for Remote Sensing Images” was conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNMIT under the banner of IEEE-GRSS student branch chapter of BNMIT. The workshop included a brief introduction to Remote Sensing images and the ways to interpret the images in the python environment. Google Colab was used for the purpose. Specialized libraries like Rasterio and GDAL (along with the regular python libraries) were introduced and installed. The workshop also included programs on visualization and the cropping of images.