IEEE Day 2024 at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, West Tambaram, was a spectacular 
celebration of technology and innovation, featuring seven thrilling events that 
captivated participants.  
The RC Turbo Track event saw students designing and racing custom-built RC cars, 
showcasing their engineering prowess. Cipher Chase tested speed and collaboration as 
teams solved complex coding problems in a fast-paced, two-round competition. The 
Bot Vault, organized by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, introduced 
students to the fundamentals of automation and sensor technology through hands-on 
activities. Bid Wars combined quiz challenges on IEEE topics with a strategic bid
based presentation round, highlighting participants’ creativity and strategic thinking. 
Botify Business focused on leveraging AI for business applications, where participants 
generated promotional content and built chatbots to tackle real-world problems. The 
Payload Pursuit (CTF Challenge) featured an exhilarating seven-level Capture The 
Flag competition, engaging teams in technical problem-solving. Finally, SparkScape 
invited teams to pitch innovative ideas, design posters, and solve puzzles, blending 
business and technology in a creative contest. IEEE Day 2024 was a resounding success, 
fostering collaboration, innovation, and a passion for technology among all participants, 
leaving everyone inspired and eager for future challenges.


1.Trisha – Lead       
2.Tharushi – Co lead    
3.Gowtham – Co Lead 
4.Sri Raman – Co Lead  
5.Abirami – Co Lead 
6.Srinath – Co Lead   
The event is a two-round competition focused on robotics and automation. Round 1 
features an online quiz to assess participants’ knowledge of robotics, automation, and sensors, 
shortlisting candidates for the next phase. Round 2 involves teams developing and presenting 
a hardware prototype based on automation and sensors during a live event on IEEE DAY. This 
competition promotes practical skills, innovation, and collaboration in tackling real-world 
challenges in robotics. 
The event begins with an online quiz designed to test participants’ basic knowledge of 
robotics, automation, and sensor technologies. This quiz will assess participants’ initial 
understanding and spark their interest in these fields. Conducted in mentimeter on October 1 
2024 from 7.00pm.All team leaders attended the quiz in mentimeter and other members are 
connected through Google meet. Totally 21 teams(63 members) registered for the event and 
among 21 teams,14 teams(42 members) participated in round 1 and 13 teams are shortlisted 
for round 2. 
No of teams: 14 
Participants: 42 
Participants who perform well in the quiz will advance to Round 2. In this phase, 
shortlisted participants are required to develop a prototype hardware based on a provided theme 
related to automation and sensors. Participants will work on creating and refining their 
prototypes prior to the event day. On IEEE DAY oct 7 2024,participants  brought  their 
developed prototypes for presentation and demonstration. Among 13 shortlisted teams for 
round 2,10 teams(30 members) were present and came with prototype. After the presentation 
of all teams, the jury panel with scope members discussed and announce 3 teams(9 members) 
as winners. 
No of teams: 10 
Participants: 30

