IEEE IAS SBC RIT is  thrilled  to  conduct  an  offline Treasure Hunt in celebration of IEEE DAY. Participants were  rejuvenated and encouraged to gain  knowledge about anything and everything. The Treasure Hunt  was completely  based on IEEE technologies which included Artificial intelligence, industrial IoT, mechanical, electronics and robotics.


Focus: Participants were  rejuvenated and encouraged to gain  knowledge about anything and everything of IEEE.

Venue: Civil Junction

Mode:  Offline

Participants: 25 Teams (max 4 person in a team)

IEEE Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter  RIT organised a Treasure Hunt which was open to all years. It was completely based on  “IEEE” held at Civil Junction on October 4th, 2023.  

The participants were filled with great joy and vigour in solving the questions based on the hints and clues provided. It was a time of learning integrated with enjoyment. Enthusiastic members joined in to make the event successful. They developed a keen interest in acquiring knowledge about anything that comes their way. The event concluded by giving away cash prizes to the winner.

Winner Team’s Name:

Godwin, Ashique, Adithyan P, Adithyan Sajeev


Event helped to promote IEEE and its activities and also developed a keen interest in acquiring knowledge about anything that comes in their way.