Date of launch : 11th October 2024
Time : 8:45 pm
Venue : Quizizz
No of participants: 127
No of IEEE members: 51
No of Non-IEEE members : 76

Brief Description
As part of the IEEE Day 2024 celebrations, IEEE SB CE Munnar successfully organized TURING TRIALS, an
AI and Machine Learning quiz event held on October 11, 2024, at 8:45 PM IST via the Quizizz platform.
The quiz attracted widespread participation, including entrants from outside Region 10, highlighting the
event’s broad appeal.

Event Details

  The quiz featured 20 AI and Machine Learning questions, with a 30-second time limit per
question and bonus points for quick responses. Participants were given 15 minutes to complete the quiz,
making time management crucial for success. To ensure a smooth and competitive environment, strict
guidelines were followed.

Registration link : https://bit.ly/TuringTrials

Feedback form link : https://bit.ly/feedback_turingtrials

Key guidelines included:
1. The quiz began sharply at 8:45 PM IST, with no o exceptions for late joiners after 9:00 PM.
2.Participants were required to use their assigned ID instead of real or fancy names generated by
Quizizz, with disqualification for non-compliance.
3. Power-ups and redemption questions were merit-based, adding an extra layer of competition.
4. The quiz master’s verdict was final, and participants were advised to contact admins for any


 The event saw a great response, and participants embraced the challenge enthusiastically.
The quiz successfully fostered a dynamic learning environment, enhancing the knowledge-sharing objectives of IEEE SB CE Munnar. The event proved to be a great success, contributing to the celebration
of IEEE Day 2024.