UK and Ireland Section IEEE Week Event on Technology, Sustainability and Climate Change
The IEEE UK and Ireland Section organised a series of public and invitation only meetings during IEEE Week (30th September – 4th October 2024) where IEEE Volunteers, Members and the wider community had the opportunity to hear from and engage with IEEE President Dr Tom Coughlin.
The IEEE Week 2024 Event in Dublin on 04 October focused on Technology, Sustainability and Climate Change. Technological innovation has significant potential to make a positive contribution to achieving Sustainability and ameliorating the negative consequences of human contributions to Climate Change. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy is challenging both technically and economically, taking account of opportunities provided through sustainable technological innovation as well as current and future interests of key stakeholder groups.
This event was kindly hosted by Trinity College Dublin. The event commences at 2pm followed by the opportunity for networking among speakers and participants.
Moderator: Prof. Paul Cunningham, Chair, IEEE UK and Ireland Section
Welcome, Dr Michelle Olmstead, Chief Innovation & Enterprise Officer, Trinity College Dublin
Welcome and Introduction to IEEE UK and Ireland Section, Prof. Paul Cunningham, Chair, IEEE UK and Ireland Section
Creating the right climate, Damien Owens, Director General, Engineers Ireland
Utilizing Technology for a Sustainable Climate, Dr Tom Coughlin, IEEE President
Sensing, and making sense of, biodiversity data, Prof. Yvonne Buckley, Co-centre for Climate+Biodiversity+Water, Trinity College Dublin
Upscaling and mainstreaming nature-based solutions in the urban and rural fabric, Dr. Fran Igoe, Local Authority Waters Programme
EEE Education and the E3 Initiative at Trinity, Prof. Anil Kokaram, Head of Department, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Trinity College Dublin
Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund – driving innovation to alter markets. Dr Imelda Lambkin, Manager, Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund, Enterprise Ireland
Decarbonisation pathways and the Circular Economy, Fergal McParland, Chief Technical Advisor (Energy), Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
ESB Circular Economy, Resilient Infrastructure and Biodiversity Net Gain, Sean Mulvey, Manager Transmission & Distribution Delivery, ESB
Moderated discussion, Q&A
IEEE UK and Ireland Section Outstanding Volunteer Awards
Networking with light refreshments