IEEE KPRIET Student Branch is Organizing many events to celebrate IEEE Day 2024 on 1st  October and 10th October 2024. These events aim to foster innovation and professional growth , in alignment with the IEEE Day theme. 

IEEE DAY 2024 AMBASSADOR from IEEE KPRIET SB : Vaibhav Krishna S (#IEEE Membership Number: 99280841)

Name of the Event: Valedictory ceremony of IEEE Day Celebrations

Event Mode: Offline

Date & Time:  10.10.2024 & 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Participant Count: 200


Event Description:

The IEEE Student Branch hosted the valedictory ceremony of IEEE Day, culminating a week-long series of events organized by 7 clusters representing 20 IEEE Societies and 2 Affinity Groups. The event was graced by Mr. Aravindhan Anbazhagan, who was invited as the chief guest.

During the ceremony, prizes were awarded to students who excelled in various competitions held over the past week. The highlights included the Best Society Award, Best Cluster Award, and the Best Emerging Society Award, recognizing outstanding contributions and initiatives.

Mr. Aravindan Anbazhagan then delivered an inspiring session where he shared insights into “What is IEEE” and recounted his own journey within the IEEE community. His words deeply resonated with the audience, encouraging non-IEEE members to explore the benefits of joining the IEEE family.

Following his address, the newly elected office bearers were introduced, and badges were presented to them, marking their official roles in the IEEE Student Branch.

The event was a resounding success, fostering enthusiasm and engagement among both current and prospective IEEE member.